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Trip to L'Équipe, and meeting CNN's Jim Bittermann

The morning started early. We met with CNN's only foreign correspondent in Paris, Jim Bittermann. He told us what its like covering French news for an American company and some of the challenges it brings. With the popularity of accusing CNN of fake news its easy for CNN international and their reporters like Bittermann to be included in the fake news accusations. Despite this, Bittermann said that its good for business. Fake News hasn't quite made its way to France, but the idea Bittermann says is becoming more relevant and present.

No matter where you are reporting from its important to report the facts. Just because one is outside the states and not be surrounded by American culture, does that mean one should or can change a story's facts. Americans are not the only watching world news. Its important for American journalist who are reporting in other countries, to not change the story or show any bias in their coverage despite what people may say or think back home or in the country they are stationed. I learned so much more about France as a country and how news here isn't that so different from back home.

The rest of the day was spent at L'Équipe. L'Équipe is a nationwide newspaper devoted to sports. Like ESPN here in the states, L'Équipe specializes in multiple platforms to spread its content. Through print, digital, apps and live shows, L'Équipe provides national cover of all things sports in France.

L'Équipe and Eurosport produce similar content in the events they televise, and are considered competitors in the sports market. However, both go about their business differently and produce their own unique content that draws in their target viewers. Eurosport has a farther reach and buys many of the rights to show the sporting events that they do. L'Équipe is more focused on reporting the French sporting news such as Ligue One (French football), rugby, tennis, and cycling. They are able to do this with the journalist, photographers and broadcasters they have around the country.

L'Équipe is a free service, where Eurosport you have to pay to watch. Therefore L'Équipe doesn't have as many rights to show soccer matches, such as the Champion League games or World Cup. (they will starting in the fall) But this doesn't mean they are trending down. L'Équipe has its own way of getting football to the people of France without having to pay to know what happened in the game. Two broadcasters watch the game and the viewers at home watch the broadcasters call and react to what is happening. This is a huge success in France, and goes to show sports can be consumed in multiple formats and still loved the same.

Both media outlets are unique in their own way despite producing similar content. It was interesting to see the similarities and differences of the two. Having Eurosport and L'Équipe, give viewers so many different ways of seeing sporting news and events, and as a sports fan, thats all I can ask for.

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