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The sights and sounds of Paris

After getting over jet lag with a good night's sleep, I was finally able to explore Paris.

My apartment is in the eighth district with a cafe or bar on every corner. Walking around the city has allowed me to take in the sites and sounds, and see the rich history that up until now I have learned about in textbooks and seen on TV. Now everything is right in front of me within walking distance or a quick metro ride away.

All of Paris seems to start and end all at the same time. The busy streets all go quiet at night and the morning rush all begins at once. You wake up to the smell of coffee and fresh baguettes being made in the cafe and can just sit in a cafe for as long as you like as the traffic of people go about their day.

I expected the metro to be much more difficult to understand, but I haven't gotten lost yet, so thats a good thing I'd say.

Of course, one of the first things I did was go see the Eiffel Tower. Something I never thought I see in person was right in front of me. After the many pictures taken the group decided to take a boat tour on the Seine. What started out as a beautiful tour with clear skies turned into a thunderstorm. With no way to protect ourselves we ran through the streets soaking wet looking like true American tourist, who did not check the weather for the day. An adventure and so many memories, and its only been day one.

See you tomorow

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